My clients at the Charlotte Sports Foundation hired me to design a logo for their latest project, The Jimmie Lee Kirkpatrick Award. The bust logo of Mr. Kirkpatrick was modeled after a black and white picture of him from 1965.
From CSF’s release:
The Charlotte Sports Foundation (CSF) announced today, the creation of The Jimmie Lee Kirkpatrick Award presented by Dr Pepper to be given annually to a senior football player from Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) who displays talent both on the field and a passion for their community. The award, which comes with a scholarship, trophy and recognition at the Duke’s Mayo Bowl, is named after Jimmie Lee Kirkpatrick of Myers Park High School.
During the early years of school integration in Charlotte, Jimmie Lee Kirkpatrick, a Black running back, suited up for a predominantly white Mustangs team in 1965 after previously attending Second Ward High School. Facing hostility on and off the field, Jimmie persevered and crossed the goal line 19 times earning him All-American honors and the award for the best high school football player in Charlotte. Despite these recognitions he was not named to the Carolina’s annual all-star game, The Shrine Bowl, leading to a civil rights lawsuit and ultimately the desegregation of the game.